Progress Update 6th Feb

Ok I managed to get html to work after founding out the actual bug was a upper lower case with world.tscn.  But the sound is still loud for footsteps. Will change it manually in audacity.

Watched video: How To Learn Any Skill SO Fast It Feels Illegal [this is really good.]
[Balance new theory coming in with existing skills practice it to becoming habits. Don't overload yourself. This also applies to the player playing the game]
[Theory to Practice, time spent ratio is 1:5 to 1:15 hours, depending on how difficult the theory is and everyone's learning speed.]

Watched video: 13 Years of No BS Productivity Advice in 67 Mins [this is really good]
[Productivity is not about being busy, but anything that takes you closer to  your goals.]
[Find your flow time at what point of day, plan your most intensive concentration tasks at that time.]
[Focus zone. Enter zone with Intention.][Pre-plan so you don't need to make decision which will fatigue you]

Watched a bunch of videos from JumboGamedev explaining Godot [good]

Watched a few videos about changing scenes and autoload. I need to know how to keep the GUI and variables when changing scenes.

Watched video: Using Composition to Make More Scalable Games in Godot [Composition. very interesting about structuring your code with components instead of inheritance]

Watched video: How You Can Easily Make Your Code Simpler in Godot 4 [this is very important, show about Composition, component]

Redesigned the whole map.
Implemented unable to attack without sword.
Implemented heal with potion.  

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